Mr. Myers Speaking.
Mr.Bollinger Reading the Declaration of Independence.
Reciting one of Patrick Henry's speeches.
Reading the Bill of Rights.
Johanna had us pose for these pictures.
Abigail, Laurel (me), Rachel, Christy, Sean, Levi, and Jordon.
Levi. He probably doesn't even know this picture was taken.
Mr. and Mrs.Castille
Rachel, Mr.Castille, and Christy.
Christy and Rachel
Somebody brought their baby deer along and Christy found it.
Trying to give it a hug
Some of us went out to the West's big swing.
Rachel's on the swing.
Ben swinging.
Rachel is serving home made ice cream. Yum!
Gun salute. I couldn't name all the people there.
The West girls singing.
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