Thursday, October 21, 2010


This quote from John Bunyan (1628-1688) is so good, I just had to repost it, even though I posted it on September 27th.
It just makes me want to say, "HALLELUJAH, WHAT A SAVIOR!"
"He cannot, after he has come to the soul as a Spirit of adoption, come again as a Spirit of bondage, to put the soul into its first fear, to wit, a fear of eternal damnation, because he cannot say and unsay, do and undo. As a Spirit of adoption he told me that my sins were forgiven me, that I was included in the covenant of grace, that God was my Father through Christ, that I was under the promise of salvation, and that this calling and gift of God to me is permanent, and without repentance. And do you think, that after he has told me this, and sealed up the truth of it to my precious soul, that he will come to me, and tell me that I am yet in my sins, under the curse of the law and the eternal wrath of God? No, no; the word of the gospel is not yea, yea; nay, nay; it is only yea, and amen; it is so, as God is true (2 Cor.1:17, 20)."

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