The conservatives will have to realize that they need to roll up their sleeves and fight for a third party.
It is my personal belief that there will be no recovery of the Republican party, because they are on the same team as the Democrats.
It is the same thing as a highschool football team; Democrats are the 1st string, Republicans are the 2nd string, but it's the same team.
The conservatives now have no voice.
The Republicans threw the conservatives under the bus when they threw Ron Paul under the bus.

Do you realize that Ron Paul got more votes in these states in the Primary than Romney got in the election?
1 comment:
Tim, I'm with you in your bitterness and anger about the Republicans have left the conservatives. But was the Repblican party ever really conservative in the first place? Get a hold of this book, "Lincoln's Red Republican's and you wil discover the GOP was actually a radical, leftist party. Many of the early Republicans were socialist, communist, revolutionaries who were fleeing from the upheavals that convulsed Europe in 1848.
The third party option is iffy. They have basically never succeeded in this country. The money power (the Yankee and Jewish merchant banks) has always bankrolled both political parties in this country since the early 1900's. That same money power can and will be used to subvert or destroy any opposition to them. If we are going the third party route, we better find out to keep it from being co-opted by our enemies.
BTW, are you a member of the League Of The South or the Citizen's Council? You might want to Google them and see if they have any meetings in your area.if not, join anyway. Also if you're interested in racial issues, Occidental Dissent is a good website to go to.
Well, take care, and I'll catch you later.
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