Saturday, February 9, 2013

Raised Bed Gardening

This year we are making some raised beds for our garden. Jordon is building them with what he would consider the second best design. He would like to build them to set up off the ground on posts. But I talked him into setting them on the ground so that we don't have to haul in so much dirt.

The soil where we need to plant has too much clay in it. So we are mixing other dirt, manure, and compost together to fill the raised beds.

He has decided to make the beds chicken proof.  (Sounds good to me. Then we won't have to have the chickens penned up as much this summer.)
It is basicly a small hoop house with chicken wire instead of greenhouse plastic. Although he is going to use greenhouse plastic when it's cooler.
Instead of buying pvc pipe, Jordon bought a heavy duty, flexible, plastic tubing called Pex Coil to use for placing chicken wire over.
He built the main raised bed frame. Then he built a smaller frame, attaching the coil and chicken wire to it. He will fasten the smaller frame onto the main bed with hinges in order to be able to open it.

I think it is a rather ingenious idea.
He is doing a fantastic job.

Now I have to decide what to plant, and how much.

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