Monday, November 19, 2012

Why The Republican lost The Presidency

                               Why The Republican lost The Presidency
It never ceases to amaze me when I listen to the Republican establishment and “so called” conservative radio talk show hosts talking about why they lost the presidency, when it’s so simple. And here it is; “Truly conservative Republican, conservative Independents, Libertarians and truly conservative Democrat or Blue Dogs were not interested in voting for a white Obama”. I don’t care if you don’t like it, it’s the truth. Someone I know said “I think the only people who voted for Romney were racists.” After thinking about it, I think he’s right. Except I would add, or else they are undereducated about the two of them.
The GOP had their chance in Ron Paul, but they didn’t want him and even changed the rules at the convention {in other words cheated} to keep him out and that just infuriated the above-mentioned conservatives who no doubt would have voted for Paul. Infuriated them to the point some didn’t vote at all.
Ron Paul inspires extremes. Such maddening support on the one hand, and such fear and loathing on the other. But why? I can give the answer in one word: freedom”.

The essential soul of a human being is by definition free. The idea that men are free as determined by God is a concept that is foreign to most men. This is because most men want to control others, to take away their freedom. The drive for power is antithetical to freedom because power means the ability to control others. There is only one legitimate thing that power can and should be used for, whether it is military, legislative, or executive power. That is, to legalize freedom.

Ron Paul didn’t want to be President to "give" me freedom. He doesn't own my freedom and he can’t give it to me. The only reason Ron Paul wanted to be President is to stop punishing people for using the freedom that is rightfully theirs. He wants no power. This is clear to anyone who listens to him speak. And that’s why the Republican establishment didn’t want him. He’s a threat to them and their power.

There are two kinds of human beings. Those who want power, and those who want freedom. You can tell which one's which very easily. Those who want freedom are straight-edged, no smoke and mirrors. They are consistent, principled, and you can feel their human soul when they speak to you. And when you come into contact with one of these souls, you know immediately, because souls are by definition free. You sense sincerity, realness, consistency, and a free human being. You get hooked on Ron Paul because you see the ability to be able to use your God-given freedom and it takes you over entirely. It's like you suddenly realize you're human and the Divine Image with which God created you comes alive and catches fire.

But something else happens to you. Once you get hooked on Ron Paul, you can no longer bear to listen to a man who wants power, and you become instantly disgusted when they start saying words. Before, they were just boring. Now they're revolting. Listening to Romney or Obama makes you sick. You see a political veneer in these politicians that's so transparent you can't bear it.

What's so maddening about hearing Romney talk is that there's someone standing there saying things, but there's no soul in it. These are not free men. That is why Romney lost. Both are nothing more than power hungry men. They have practically forfeited their souls to try and attain power, to control others with spin and talking points and contradictory statements like "I want to cut the budget and expand the military!" and they'll say it with a polished tone and a straight face, just like a soulless recording. Their humanity is buried under the mountain of lies they have told themselves.
The reason that Ron Paul never went down in the polls and is more popular than ever is that he's not "convincing" people in the everyday sense that he's right on whatever issue. He's activating human souls, lighting spiritual fires one by one speaking about freedom. Once a soul gets activated, and the man realizes that he IS free no matter what people do to him or tell him, there is no turning back. The other candidates are trying to turn heads with snappy one-liners that sound cool. Slowly but surely, Ron Paul activates a few of the individual souls in the mob as they bob from snappy comeback to snappy comeback and he goes up in popularity. This is what has caused what is how called the Ron Paul Revolution.

But there is a problem. We cannot expect every man, woman and child to understand or get excited about the message of liberty. The reason; most just can't handle it. Being truly free is as terrifying as it is electrifying.

Not everyone can handle the message of freedom. It's too frightening for some people, and some are just too enslaved. Those are the people that despise Ron Paul, the same types who rebelled against Moses in the desert and attempted to go back to Egypt. Freedom is too much for them and they can't handle the Divine gift. They want and need someone to control them. Their souls have been too battered by slavery, taxation, and wars.
So the question it this, which are you? One who says they love freedom or Obama?
The people who don’t support Ron Paul are afraid of freedom. Because it is giving them the opportunity to succeed which also carries with it the possibility of failure. And people don’t want to fail. And that means they don’t want you to succeed either, because it might point to there failure.
But most of all it means responsibility. Responsibility for your family and there safety, health and food. And gun safety. Gun safety means having a gun to protect your family. These people don’t want responsibility and so they don’t want you to taking responsibility either.
And so you see it’s quite simple. Romney is not a conservative and we know it. So the question is, did the Republican establishment and “so called” conservative radio talk show hosts learn their lesson? Its doesn’t look like it so far. But the “Ron Paul Revolution” lives on. One of two things will happen.
The Republican establishment will give us a true conservative or there will be a new party.
Just Sayin’

1 comment:

Steve "scotju" Dalton said...

The GOP lost the Presidency,IMO, because they tried to pander to every ethnic group under the sun. The only problem with that idea was Obama was already doing it, and handing out more free stuff, minority set-asides, and other goodies. Moral of the story: Unless you have your hand on the goodie bag, don't expect your trival gifts or promises to amount even to a hill of beans. (If you want to play politics that way!)

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