Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Schooling" Children

Yesterday I went through the drive up window of the bank. I had 2 of my school age children with me, which I normally don't do because of school hours.
I don't remember the exact words of what the teller said to me concerning the children being out of school for the "winter break", but it had to do with "putting up with the children being home all day".
I responded with, "Oh, I homeschool and I like having my children home with me."
Her response was, with a genuine glee, "What a blessing. That is a blessing that you are able to do that."
I'm not sure what she meant by it being a blessing that I'm able to homeschool, if it is truly a pain to have to be around your children all day.
And also, in another way, she might have meant it is a blessing if a mother has the luxury of staying home and not working outside of the home.

Well, most likely, in the eyes of the average person in this world, I don't have the luxury of not working outside the home.
In order to be a stay at home mom and homeschool your children, it might depend on your point of view and what you're willing to live without.
Barring, of course, circumstances that really do warrant a women to have to find employment out side the home.

The main thing is to raise and train my own children and not send them out from under their parent's authority, not send them to the government indoctrination camps.
That doesn't mean that someone else can't teach them something.

Now I know that there are exceptions and going to the government schools hasn't damaged some kids as bad as others.
But, I do not know how a christian can send their children to the government school system.
Almost every child that I have come in contact with that goes to a public school, is not what I would call growing in grace and wisdom.

Plus, the whole reason that government is in the business of "schooling" children is to indoctrinate them with a socialist worldview. And look at the results of years of that indoctrination. A lot of those kids, now grown, think government should take care of them.
And those grown kids have voted a socialist into the presidency.

Also, I can't imagine letting my 10 or 11 year old daughter dye or bleach her hair, wear a ton of makeup, (black eyeliner and all), dress like a bimbo and act like a 2 year old. All of which I have seen.
I realise that it's the heart that matters and not the outward appearance, but let's face it, the outward mirrors the inward. But, My goodness! What are parents thinking!?

All the stuff that is going on in the public school setting today and christian parents just compain and wonder what to do.
Like a friend has said, "Pull them out, DUH!"

Guess what.....The government has no biblical jurisdiction over other people's children.
But we as parents give up our biblical jurisdiction and authority over our children when we send them to the government school system.

How in the world can a parent train their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, when they spend most of their time in a socialist, immoral, anti-christian environment, including hanging out with their peers that are also spending most of their time in the same environment?

Parents, especially you christian parents: Despite what the world tells you about socialization,
you are to shelter your children and control who and what they hang around with.
And when they turn 16 or even 18 you don't just release them to the wolves.
But then, that would require effort and hard work and not doing as the rest of the world does.
It would also require that you look at raising children from a biblical worldview.

BTW, Training, schooling your children in righteousness and wisdom from the bible, goes a long way towards their education. In other words, you don't need to spend a lot of money on too many "school books".
Also, when children spend more time with their parents and other adults, they tend to mature faster than those children that spend more time with other children. Hmm, Imagine that!

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