Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baby Sitting

Monday the 25th we watched Natasha and Allen.
This was Natasha's first time with out mommy for the whole evening. She also learned to walk a couple of weeks ago.
Boaz and Allen were racing toward the couch and then crashing into it.
She wants to to pet the dog.
Grandpa, Natasha, and Teyla, Jordon's dog.
Here is a video of her walking around and singing.


Elise said...

Umm..... Why is dad holding a dog?

TJ Draper said...

Wait, there's a REALLY cute little girl in that picture, sitting in dad's lap and the only thing you can think of is "why is dad holding a dog?"

Johanna Starnes said...

He said it was because the dog was keeping him warm :-P

Btw, could one of you PLEASE make me an admin to our family blog?

TJ Draper said...

According to the settings you are an Admin.

Johanna Starnes said...

I am?

Johanna Starnes said...

Oh, apparently Elise made me an admin recently and I didn't know about it :-P

TJ Draper said...

Yes, been to your blogger dashboard lately. You should have complete admin access.

Elise said...

well T.J, the weirdness of Dad holding the dog kind of overwhelmed the cuteness of Natasha ya know?

Hey Johanna, I made you an admin quite a while ago ;)

Tim said...

My turn to comment. The reason I was holding the dog and Natasha was because I wanted to teach Natasha to pet the dog. One of the reasons I wanted to teach her to pet the dog is because the dog is showing a posessiveness of the kids and I want the dog to think Natasha is one of her posessions. And then if anybody messes with my little girl they will have two agressors to deal with.

Elise said...

Crunch would be proud :)

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